Rosenparade 2011-als Weihnachtsgeschenk für Alex (Weihnachten 2010)
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Denkt ihr darueber nach, Alex etwas zu Weihnachten zu schenken? Wie waere es mit einer Rosenwidmung fuer ihn, die seinen guten Zweck, Donate Life, unterstuetzt?
Da Alex sich so sehr ueber die diesjaehrige Geburtstagsaktion vom German Alex O'Loughlin Fan Club gefreut hat, moechten wir gerne als Weihnachtsgeschenk fuer ihn Rosen widmen, die auf den Donate Life Paradewagen gesteckt werden.
Der Paradewagen von Donate Life wird am 1. Januar 2011 an der Rosenparade in Pasadena, Kalifornien, teilnehmen. Der Paradewagen wird im Dezember geschmueckt, mit Rosenwidmungen fuer Leute, die von Organspende betroffen sind oder sich durch besondere Leistungen fuer das Thema Organspende ausgezeichnet haben.
Wir finden, dass wir Alex mit unseren Rosenwidmungen nicht nur fuer seine fortwaehrende Arbeit als Botschafter fuer Donate Life danken, sondern ihm auch ein Weihnachtsgeschenk geben, ueber das er sich sehr freuen wird.
Wenn ihr teilnehmen wollt, bitte widmet euere Rosen bis zum 28. November. Sabine sammelt die Namen von allen, die mitmachen. Sie wird Ende November/Anfang Dezember einen Artikel fuer die "Alex O'Loughlin Fans For Donate Life" website schreiben. Dieser Artikel wird die Namen von allen Fans enthalten, die mitgemacht haben. Der Artikel wird an
Tenaya Wallace von Donate Life Hollywood geschickt, damit sie Alex informieren kann.
Schickt bitte nur eure Namen (und falls ihr einem Fan Club angehoert, bitte auch den Namen des Fan Clubs) an Sabine's email Adresse:
Bitte klickt hier um zu dem Bestellformular fuer eine Rosenwidmung zu gelangen:
Bitte benutzt den Screenshot als Anleitung, bei Fragen steht euch Sabine gern zur Verfuegung.
Thinking about a Christmas gift for Alex? Dedicate a rose to him and support his charity of choice: Donate Life!
In August, the German Alex O'Loughlin Fan Club held a fundraiser benefiting Donate Life in honor of Alex's birthday. Not only was he extremely delighted about the support from his fans, he also matched the total amount of their financial contributions.
On January 1, 2011, Donate Life participates in the famous Rose Parade in Pasadena, CA, with their float called "Seize the Day!". It will be decorated with the roses dedicated to individuals who have given, received, await the gift of life, or have distinguished themselves in their work for raising organ donation awareness.
We think dedicating a rose would be a great way to honor Alex's continued work as Donate Life Ambassador and a Christmas gift, we are sure he will be delighted about.
By the way, the 6th World Day for Organ Donation and Transplantation will be taking place in New Delhi, India, at the end of November.
Another reason to dedicate a rose in Alex's honor this month!
We hope that fans from all over the world will join us in dedicating a rose to Alex as a Christmas gift. One rose dedication costs 30 Dollars. There is also an option for you to send a card about your
dedication to Alex's business address. The Donate Life Float website will send you a digital certificate within 1 - 2 weeks (please make sure your email address is entered correctly!).
From November 1 until November 28, we will be collecting the names of everyone who participates. If you are the member of a fan group, please also tell us the name of the group. If you split the cost of a rose dedication with other fans, please let us know the names of the other fans as well.
At the end of November or early December, Sabine will write another article containing the names of everyone who participated. This article will be sent to Tenaya Wallace at Donate Life Hollywood.
We can't guarantee that Alex will express his appreciation again in the form of a Thank You note, but we will try our best to let Alex know about the support from his fans.
In the screenshot are the instructions in English, German, French and Spanish about how to fill out the order form for ONE rose dedication. Here is the link to the order form for rose dedications:
If you want to participate, please dedicate your rose to Alex by November 28, 2010.
The Donate Life Float website form is already set up for the amount of 30 Dollars, you DO NOT have to type in an amount!
Please do not send cash! The Donate Life Float website requires your email address to send you the confirmation and the digital certificate for your rose dedication.
Please take your time, making extra sure that all the information you provide is correct, in order to receive the confirmation and digital certificate for your rose dedication. Click the Submit Button only once.
Please send your names and the names of your fan groups to Sabine's email address:
If you need help with filling out the form or have questions, please contact Sabine at
Thank you! Vielen Dank! Muchas Gracias! Merci Beaucoup! Grazie! Obrigado!
For more information about the Donate Life Rose Parade Float and the Rose Dedications please visit:
Donate Life Rose Parade Float - Individual Dedications:
Donate Life Float website
Kommentare zu dieser Seite:
Kommentar von Sanne, 14.11.2011 um 16:22 (UTC): Help, I've been informed and I can't become iognrant. |
Kommentar von Buffy, 03.07.2011 um 08:03 (UTC): That's the best aswner of all time! JMHO |
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