Alex O`Loughlin German FanClub
  Fans for Donate
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Here is the email Silke "Schmeissi" , the founder of the German Alex O'Loughlin Fan Club, received from Christine Gehringer who's with the publicist's office at the German Foundation for Organ Donation (DSO):

Dear Ms. R.

The Organ Donation Congress was a big success. Through the international exchange of scientific news and opinions on the different aspects of organ donation, the people working in the field of transplantation were able to achieve a big step toward more organ donations.
This is very important, as waiting lists increase worldwide and thus the hopelessness for many patients about receiving matching donor organs. In the US alone wait about 110,000 patients for a life saving transplantation. In Germany it's about 12,000 patients.
In this regard, Alex O'Loughlin's statement on organ donation was extremely important. The more people in the public limelight show that they support this important cause, the more people we can reach with our message. The statement was heard with great joy and answered with big applause.
But it's not just about celebrities. Everyone of us can make a difference. Because everyone of us has the chance to give the gift of life to someone else if we die. This is why we are very glad about your fan club's campaign which convinced already several members to support this cause. Should you require more information material, we will gladly send it to you.
For further information, I have enclosed the press release about the Organ Donation Congress, as well as a form for obtaining our brochures.

Christine Gehringer
Christine Gehringer
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Deutschherrnufer 52
60594 Frankfurt am Main

Telefon: +49 (69) 677 328 - 9415
PC-Fax: +49 (69) 677 328 - 89415
Fax: +49 (69) 677 328 - 9409

More information is also available here: the initiative "Fürs Leben für Organspende"
"For life for organ donation"
information hotline: 0800 / 90 40 400
German Alex O'Loughlin Fan Club Organ Donation Campaign links:
German Alex O'Loughlin Fan Club:
"German Alex O'Loughlin Fans Help" Campaign Blog
(mostly in German language):
Alex O'Loughlin Fans for Donate Life Blog:
[Translation by Sabine Atkins, US correspondent, German Alex O'Loughlin Fan Club]

Friday, October 16, 2009
THREE RIVERS has a clear message (Three Rivers - eine klare Botschaft!)

[English translation below the German text.]

Three Rivers - eine klare Botschaft!
Diesen Sonntag ist die zweite Folge der Serie TR gelaufen mit dem Titel:
"Ryans First Day"
Es ist nicht nur eine Serie sondern eine klare Botschaft!
Hey Leute, TR hat keine fiktive Handlung! Das Gegenteil ist der Fall. Hier geht es um das wahre Leben - Dinge, die jeden Tag auf dieser Welt passieren.
Morgen könnten wir schon selbst betroffen sein und ein Organ benötigen.
Beispielsweise durch eine schwere Krankheit die uns trifft!
Wer rettet uns dann?
Aber es könnte auch ganz anders sein.
Wir schenken Leben mit einer Organspende.
Um Alex mal beim Wort zu nehmen:
"You have the chance to save up to 8 lives and enhance up to 50 lives."
Familienangehörige sind in tiefster Traurigkeit verständlicherweise, häufig nicht in der Lage, sich mit dem Thema Organspende auseinander zu setzten.
Also warum nehmen wir ihnen diese Entscheidung nicht ab und bestimmen jetzt schon selbst, wie in so einem Ernstfall, wie z. b. Hirntod, gehandeltwerden soll! Jeder kann Leben schenken, man braucht dazu einfach nur einen Organspenderausweis, den man immer bei sich führen sollte.
Genauso empfinden es auch Darsteller und Crew dieser beindruckenden Serie.
Nicht nur Alex O'Loughlin absolvierte das Training als Botschafter für Donate Life.
Ein großer Teil der Crew folgte seinem Beispiel mit voller Überzeugung.
Alle absolvierten das Training am Set.
Bei welcher Serie stehen Darsteller und Crew so geschlossen hinter der Aussage der Show!
So unterstützte Hauptdarsteller Alex O`Loughlin den Welttag und europäischen Tag der Organspende am 04. Oktober in Berlin mit einem Video-Statement und erhielt großen Beifall für sein Engagement.
Das ist nicht nur einfach der Job eines Schauspielers sondern eineBotschaft, und die sollte nicht nur bei seinen Fans ankommen sondern das ist ein Appell an die ganze Welt.
Also O'Loughlin Fans, wir haben eine Botschaft in die Welt zu tragen!!!
Sagt es eueren Freunden, euren Familien - tragt es hinaus in die ganze Welt.
Es ist unsere Pflicht, Leben zu retten!
Alex hat es vorgemacht! Laßt uns folgen!
Wir, vom Deutschen Alex O'Loughlin Fan Club, haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, Organspende zu unterstützen.
„Dont be afraid, never be afraid, you will save life“ ist unser Leitspruch: Viele hier sind dadurch Organspender geworden.
Danke Alex !!!
Wir lieben Dich und unsere Unterstützung ist dir gewiss.
Sagt es weiter und verpaßt keine Folge von Three Rivers!
Schaut nächsten Sonntag wieder rein.

------------English Translation here-----------

Last Sunday the second episode of THREE RIVERS, "Ryan's First Day", aired.
It's not just a TV show but it also has a clear message!
Hey people, THREE RIVERS isn't fiction. On the contrary, it's about real life - things that happen all around the world, every day.
Tomorrow it can happen to us - needing a matching organ. For example, because of a sudden illness. Who will save us?
Or it could be different: We can be the ones who save lives by being an organ donor.
Alex says:
"You have the chance to save up to 8 lives and enhance up to 50 lives."
Grieving Family members often cannot make the decision for you to donate your organs.
This is why we can make this decision now and express our wishes what should happen to our organs for if, for example, an accident leaves us brain dead.
Every one of us can give life, all you need is an organ donor card and carry it always with you.
The cast and crew of this impressive TV show thinks the same.
Alex O'Loughlin wasn't the only one who became an ambassador for Donate Life. A large part of the crew followed his example with great conviction. All finished their training on set.
Which other series has cast and crew acting according to the message of a TV show?
Lead actor Alex O'Loughlin supported the World/European Day on October 4 in Berlin with a video statement and received big applause for his great work.
This is not just a part of the job of an actor but a message - which should not only be heard by his fans, it's a message to the whole world.
Therefore, Alex O'Loughlin fans, spread the word!
Tell it to your friends and families - spread the word to the whole world. It's about saving lives!
Alex showed us how, and we can do it, too!
We, the members of the German Alex O'Loughlin Fan Club, have taken up the task to support organ donation.
„Dont be afraid, never be afraid, you will save life“, this is our motto: Many of us have become organ donors.
Thank you, Alex!!!
We love you, and you will always have our support.
Spread the word and don't miss THREE RIVERS!
Please watch it again next Sunday.

[Text by Tinker (AnnHart) and Petralisa, Members of German Alex O'Loughlin Fan Club, translation by Sabine Atkins, US correspondent of German Alex O'Loughlin Fan Club]


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